Be Our Guest!

An Introduction
Welcome family, friends and distinguished guests! I wanted to provide a little help to engage your experience to our family recipes blog. Whether you are new to blogging or an experienced super-poster, these tips will help you along the way! Our purpose/goal is to provide easy access to posting a recipes as well as keep us all internet-safe. From the get-go, you will be asked to register an account if you will be contributing to these tasty meals and cooking tips. You may invite friends along too. They will need to follow our community guidelines below.
One of the first posts I have listed is How to write a Simple Blog Post in WordPress. Watch it if you need help, search the interwebs or reach out to me for assistance. If you do not have a featured image, I will provide a generic one from Adobe Stock or Envato. We are not a commercial website so sharing internet images should be fine. Just provide some info on where the image is from if you could. Personal photos are always best! Here is a helpful checklist:
- Register an account
- Log in if you are posting or commenting
- Don’t log in if you are just browsing or reading
- You can re-edit after posting
- Make sure to sign out when you are done
- Report any bugs or issues
- Offer ideas in the contact form or WhatsApp
We have a helpdesk setup through WhatsApp. It’s the purple phone icon on the lower right of each page. Feel free to reach out or send me a question or concern on the contact page. If you would like to become a moderator reach out to me and I will add you. I am hoping that the “Spam Assassin” will be doing the majority of the hard work. The spam protection is in place to protect email accounts, websites being linked and also free us all from spam comments made by Igor in Russia.

Our Blog Golden Rules

Community guidelines
Feel free to write about anything Food, tips and memories. You can use your discretion There are no food snobs here. Anything resembling that is all in fun on this site and any recipe is a unique recipe so no need to complain in the comments. They will be monitored. Also, if you would like to become a hall monitor (moderator), let me know and I can give you higher access. Make note of the “Blog golden rules” on the right —-> That is basically it.
Above all, have fun with your sharing and ideas!